Fall Business Meeting and NCA Programming

AFA Online Executive Council and Business Meetings, All Forensic Organization Meeting

The Executive Committee will be meeting online on Wednesday, November 8 (7:00 pm EST). See link below.

Second, the AFA Business Meeting will occur online only, during NCA, on Wednesday, November 15 (5:00pm EST). The agenda for the meeting will be released separately, and it will use the same link.


Third, we are hosting a live gathering for presidents of ALL forensic organizations during NCA (8:00pm EST) to meet together and chat about shared needs and shared resources. We will reach out to presidents with location details, but please reach out to Jarrod Atchison (jarrod.atchison@gmail.com) to make sure it gets sent to the best email.



AFA Events during NCA 2023

We have several panels during NCA – all events are listed below. Nearly all are in the Gaylord-Conv Center-Potomac 3 (unless listed otherwise).

Wednesday, 11/15

5:00 PM Online AFA Business Meeting https://bit.ly/AFAMEET23

Thursday, 11/16

*8:00 AM International Students Competing in Forensics: Difficulties Achieving Freedom

8:00 PM Forensic Organization Presidents Meeting (Suite at Conference Hotel, location announced on 11/16)

Friday, 11/17

*11:00 AM Debate as a Liberatory Practice: Confronting Challenges to Academic Intellection Freedom

*3:30 PM Bringing DEI To The Ballots: Examining And Deconstructing The Hegemonic Power Structures That Impact Marginalized Student Experience

Saturday, 11/18

*11:00 AM Freeing Forensic Argumentation Scholarship: Liberating Debate Scholars

*2:00 PM Global Freedom as a Manifestation of Debate as a Global Pedagogy

Sunday, 11/19

11:00 AM Paper Session (National Harbor 11 – Convention Center, 2nd Floor – Gaylord National)

Paper titles:

At the Intersection of Ableism, Entelechy, and Policy Debate

Rigged Game: Responses to the Illusion of Fairness in Competitive Debate

There is No Safe Space on the Plantation: Collegiate Debate and the Containment of Black Scholarship in the Academy

* = Potomac 3 – Convention Center, Ballroom Level, Gaylord

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