Call for nominations for AFA officer positions

Call for nominations for new AFA officers

The American Forensic Association is seeking nominations for four officer positions for two-year terms beginning July 2022. An election for the positions will be held in May.

The four positions and their responsibilities are:

The Vice-President. Besides those duties assigned by the President or National Council, the Vice-President shall be responsible for developing all Association sponsored programs and meetings at the Annual Convention. This person becomes President after the two-year VP term. Nomination should include a brief statement about your interest to serve in this capacity that will be included with the ballot.

The Vice-President for High School Affairs shall have the special responsibility for representing the needs and concerns of high school forensics professionals to the Association, for representing the Association to high school forensics professionals, and for fulfilling other responsibilities assigned by the President or National Council.

The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for recording minutes of all General Business Meetings of the Association, and of all meetings of the National Council.

Two-Year College Representative . It shall be the special responsibility of the two-year college representative to the National Council to discover the needs and make plans for the development and implementation of policies designed to promote the purposes of this Association for and in this specific constituency.

Dr. Jarrod Atchison (Wake Forest) will be president from 2022-2024.

Self-nominations are welcome. Please submit nominations no later than April 1 at 5 p.m.

Please contact Dr. Ronald Stevenson, chair of the AFA nomination committee, with nominations or questions.

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